

Organising a festival implies a large ecological footprint, due to the transportation, purchase and construction of all stages and infrastructure. We try to minimize this in the following ways:

- Backstage: instead of constructing our own backstage infrastructure with dozens of containers, we use the mythical American Theatre. This avoids countless trucks and tons of material.
- Decoration: De Kringwinkel Antwerpen provided us with lots of decoration material: carpets; mirrors, wheels and matrasses. All these materials would have become, if it wasn't for the beautiful creations they get turned into now. 

In return 10 of their employees gain free access to the festival. This way we promote cultural participation of the financially disadvantaged and we recycle old material. Double win!
- Stages and bars: one week after our festival, the amazing Brosella Folk & Jazz festival reuse our bars and stages infrastructure. That way we significantly size down our transportation footprint.